To my sweet little boy,
Today you turn one. You are more than I could have ever dreamed you would be. I love you more than I could have ever imagined. You are the happiest little man I have ever seen. You have such innocent joy that I wish I could learn to obtain. You are so smart and observant. Your eyes are so bright. I love watching you learn new things and I love showing you the world as you explore it. I love getting little glimpses of the world as you see it. Your dad and I hope we can continue to show you the world and its beauty. We hope we can teach you to love God and others and to never stop exploring and learning.
I came across this scripture the other day that I believe emcompasses all I want to teach you and hope for your life. I have framed it for your first birthday and it is now hanging in your room. I hope that by the time you are reading this letter, you have memorized it and are living it out. It is from 1 Corinthians 16:13-14, “ Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love.”
Be on your guard my son. Guard your heart which is the window to your soul. The enemy is real and is seeking to steal and destroy. Put up boundaries that protect your heart from temptation and evil. But don’t harden your heart to where you are afraid to let anyone in. To guard is to be aware and on the lookout for the enemy, but guards still let those they trust in. May you become aware and on the lookout for evil, but even more become aware and on the lookout for good.
Stand firm in the faith my son. More than anything else, your dad and I want you to have faith in God. We hope we can teach you to love God more than anything. More than a successful career or good grades we want you to stand firm in your faith. We have learned that faith is the key to surviving life. Because when the job fails or a bad grade comes, having faith will see you through. Having faith will help you get back on your feet and encourage you to try again. Faith in God is the foundation to all else.
Be strong and courageous my son. Have courage to stand up for your faith even when your friends won’t. Have courage to not buy into peer pressure. Have courage to get back up if life knocks you down. Have courage to stand in the midst of danger and call on the Lord. Your name means young warrior. Warriors are courageous and fight for what they believe in. So put on the full armor of God and be ready to stand firm and fight. When you feel afraid, let God give you the courage and strength you need as a godly man.
Do everything in love my son. Great warriors can be courageous, strong, and be on their guard but be hardened and unloving. Don’t let this happen to you. In everything you do, let it be in love towards others as Christ loved us. God is strong and powerful but he is also loving and kind. This is a balance you will have to learn to obtain on your own, but it is very possible to be a strong young warrior and also be kind to others. Be aware of how you treat others. Be aware of what you say to others. Let your actions and your words promote kindness, truth, and encouragement.
Your dad and I commit to you to raise you according these scriptural principles and will try our hardest to raise you in a loving home. Know we love you more than anything and that will never change. Know we are not perfect but are trying our best. We cannot wait to see how you grow this next year. You amaze us everyday little man. Continue to learn, grow, and explore.
Love, Your Mom