I feel at times that the stretch between January and the beginning of March is so slow moving. It’s that awkward time when the excitement of winter is dying off as we hope for spring but spring is not yet here. I feel like these early months of the year are a period of waiting. Waiting for spring which brings new life in nature and a change in the weather. (Unless you live in Texas and then it can be winter, spring, and summer all in one day.)
Like waiting for spring to come, many of us are waiting for something in our own lives. Some of us have been waiting for years while others just a matter of months. We have promises we have been given by God and we are still waiting for them to be fulfilled. Some of us have no idea what God has for us and are just waiting to hear direction. No matter how long it has been or what you are waiting for, waiting can be hard. Let’s be honest, it can be boring and annoying at times. We are a society that wants answers right away and we don’t really like the periods of waiting that sometimes life throws at us.
As I was driving the other day I listened to a song by Sarah Reeves called Right Where You Want Me. I have listened to this song many times but in that moment on my drive to work, it took on a new perspective in my season of waiting. Here are the lyrics from the chorus...
“ You got me right where You want me
And I got eyes for You only, only
Take me from glory to glory
You got me
Right where You want me.”
I had been so focused on what God had promised and what He was going to do in the future, that I was forgetting what He wanted me to do in this moment. I was checked in my spirit because for some reason, I was thinking that my season of waiting was an insignificant moment before His plan would take place. As I listened to this song, I felt like God was showing me that this season of waiting is where He wants me right now. I was taking my season of wait for granted.
We seem to view our periods of waiting as a middle season where we think that God cannot use us or we cannot do anything for God until our answer comes. But what if we start to see this season of waiting as right where God wants us to be? I truly believe God creates these seasons of wait on purpose. Don’t take for granted these periods of waiting. In fact, they are necessary to prepare us for what God is bringing us in to. In waiting we learn to trust Him. In waiting God refines us and teaches us to be patient and seek after His plan. In waiting God prepares our hearts and minds to receive His promises. If these times of waiting are so important, then we need to treat them as valuable as the thing we are waiting for.
Many times our response to a season of wait is to sit and do nothing while we wait for God to do something. I truly believe this is not the response we should have. Instead of just sitting and waiting for Him to answer our prayers, we need to be active in seeking His Kingdom first. We need to ask Him what He wants from us in this time of waiting. We need to discern what He is trying to teach us in these moments. If you want to know more on how to respond to your period of waiting click here A Season of Wait.
If you, like me, are in a season of wait right now, why don’t you change your perspective about waiting. Instead of thinking that you are in a middle season where nothing can happen, start to see it as right where God wants you. Consider that His plan right now is for you to wait and ask Him how He can use you in this season. If you are actively seeking His Kingdom, He has you right where He wants you friend. Trust in Him and the process He is taking you through.