Happy second birthday to my little man. I know moms always say this, but I truly cannot believe how much you have grown in the past year. You are not just walking but you are running. You are not just saying a few words but you are putting sentences together. Your little voice is way cuter than I ever thought it would be and it is one of my favorite sounds next to your belly laughs. I have enjoyed watching you grow and discover the world around you.
I hope you always know that every thing your dad and I do we do with you in mind out of love for you. We want you to grow up knowing the love of God. We want to raise you to be resilient and stand firm in the faith. One of the most powerful passages in scripture in helping you accomplish this is Ephesians 6:10-20. This passage speaks about the armor of God. On your second birthday I want to pray a blessing over you using this passage. May you read this years later as you prepare for the daily battle that you fight in this world. I want you to be prepared my son and be confident in knowing who fights with you and to know that in Him, you don't have to be afraid.
My dear son I pray that you put on the belt of truth that no matter what you learn, you measure it up against the truth in scripture. When you are confused go to the source of truth in the Word of God. I pray that that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ (Philippians 1:9-10). Let the truth of scripture be your foundation that holds everything together like a belt of armor.
I pray that you put on the breastplate of righteousness. That you seek goodness everywhere you go. As a breastplate protects your heart, I pray that you protect your heart by seeking virtue and what is right in every area of your life. Defend what is right and protect what is good. Do not be afraid to stand up for what is honorable even when it may not be popular. Be like Daniel who chose not to defile himself with the king's meat (Daniel 1:8) as he chose to stand up for his beliefs.
Put on your shoes of peace that are ready to seek after and proclaim the gospel. May the good news of Christ always be in your thoughts. May you allow the Lord to lead you to the right places to help spread this good news to others. May you always allow the Lord to guide your path and show you where to go.
Take up the shield of faith. Let your faith grow and become strong. May it become so unshakable that it can protect you like a shield from the evil one and his attacks. Even when life gets tough little one, have faith. Even when things do not go as you have planned, have faith. When all else fails never let your faith falter. Stand firm and keep your shield close.
Put on the helmet of salvation. May you decide some day to follow Him and be filled with His Spirit. When you do, never doubt your salvation and God's love for you. Let this truth guard your mind from the attacks of the enemy who might try to make you doubt your salvation and God's love. Protect your mind little one because as a person thinks in his heart so is he (Proverbs 23:7).
Finally wield the sword of the Spirit. This sword is the Word of God. Know it and fall in love with it. Let it guide your life above all else. Spend time in the Word and use it to pray blessing over your life and other people's lives. Like Jesus did when he was tempted in Matthew 4, use the Word to fight against the enemy. Take this sword wherever you go and never let it depart from you.
As Ephesians 6:18 says, pray my son at all times. Stay alert with all perseverance and intercession. I pray you have boldness to preach the gospel. Be strengthened by the Lord and put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the schemes of the devil. Be ready my son because evil will attack but have no fear because joy comes in the morning and you know the one who fights for you!
With all my love, Mom